Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Brave Thing
I must disagree on this blog from the get go. The requirement for community service as a part of curriculum in school goes beyond the scope of what I believe school should be. This is nothing more than forced servitude, SLAVERY. Albeit a soft form of it, it is still wrong and it is my belief that schools have overstepped their grounds. I understand the argument that it is suppose to help foster an education of community, but I believe that voluntary service should be just that, voluntary. The Lord God gave us free will to love him or reject him, and so when those who chose to love him did it made that love real. Likewise when one is forced to serve and their free will is removed then that service is cheap and meaningless. Thus what is it that they really learn, to get a grade in school I HAVE to do this. They don't learn what it really means to volunteer which I believe is what the purpose of this REQUIREMENT was. This practice is counterproductive to the true spirit of the very thing that it is suppose to foster. This assignment asked to add to the list of brave things, I don't believe I can add to this list and so my BRAVE thing is this. My BRAVE thing is to speak out about a practice I do believe is unjust, many brave men died on the battlefield on our own soil to eliminate SLAVERY. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain.

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